Monday, March 26
Our first 10k
The ten kilometre race, affectionately known to runners everywhere (even in the archaic, imperial-measuring USA) as the "ten-K." This race is a milestone for any runner. Usually, it's the first significant race an amateur runner will enter. On Sunday, Mark and I will attempt the 26th Annual Skunk Cabbage Classic, in Ithaca, NY. A 6.2-mile jaunt around the stately Cornell-University town shouldn't be too much of a problem. We'll just have to wait and see.

So please, on Sunday at 10:30 Eastern Daylight Time, send up some runnerly vibes on our behalf, as well as on behalf of our new team, the Syracuse University Philosophy Department Running Club (creatively named by Mr. Mark Barber himself).

If we meet our time goals, Mark might even reward himself with an espresso by Zahar (our favourite Ithaca barrista), while Jen may choose to indulge herself in a Moosewood curry extraordinaire. Check in for results!

Brought to you in part by the PDRC: Run Fun, Run Well, Run Thoughtfully


posted by The Hippie Triathlete at 8:45 PM Permalink
Thursday, March 1
If you have any pictures of the wedding, we'd LOVE to have them.

Could you please email them to; and if possible, could you send us the original files, not a compressed version (those don't do so well for printing).



posted by Mark at 5:06 PM Permalink